воскресенье16 февраля 2025

В КП «Николаевпастранс» объявили о запуске новых автобусных маршрутов в городе.

В КП «Николаевпастранс» сообщили о запуске новых автобусных маршрутов в городе.
В КП «Николаевпастранс» объявили о запуске новых автобусных маршрутов в городе.
В КП «Николаевпастранс» рассказали о новых автобусных маршрутах в городе

The municipal enterprise "Nikolaevpastrans" has announced new bus routes in the city

Head of "Nikolaevpastrans" Dmitry Teslenko shared information about new bus routes that may be established in Nikolaev.

This was discussed during a briefing held on Tuesday, January 21.

Dmitry Teslenko emphasized that before municipal buses can begin operating on new routes, the itinerary must be approved by the Nikolaev City Council, and "Nikolaevpastrans" must be selected as the enterprise to service these routes.

- The municipal enterprise "Nikolaevpastrans" does not choose routes on its own, and I want to clarify for our residents so they understand that this is a defined process. Initially, the Transport Department of the Nikolaev City Council handles this, then the relevant project is presented for a vote in the executive committee, and the route is approved. Afterward, a project is drafted and submitted again to the executive committee to determine the carrier, and if the executive committee designates "Nikolaevpastrans" as the carrier, we will then begin servicing the route. We can advocate for routes, as we did for Varvarovka, where there were numerous requests from residents collecting signatures. We subsequently submitted a petition to the Transport Department in support of extending the route to Varvarovka, - explained the head of the enterprise.

According to him, discussions are currently underway regarding the establishment of several new bus routes in the city's remote areas.

- We are currently considering a route to the Rocket Area and to Bolshaya Koreniha. These are distant regions, - concluded Dmitry Teslenko.

As previously reported, by the end of 2025, the municipal enterprise "Nikolaevpastrans" will acquire new buses through a credit program.