воскресенье09 февраля 2025

ГСЧС продемонстрировала разбор завалов после ракетного удара по Николаеву (видео).

В ГСЧС продемонстрировали процесс разбора завалов после ракетного удара по Николаеву (видео)
ГСЧС продемонстрировала разбор завалов после ракетного удара по Николаеву (видео).
В ГСЧС показали разбор завалов на месте ракетного удара по Николаеву (видео)

The State Emergency Service showcased the debris removal at the site of the missile strike in Mykolaiv (video)

Rescuers have completed the debris clearance at the site of the missile attack on a food industry enterprise in Mykolaiv.

This information is reported by the Main Department of the State Emergency Service in Mykolaiv region.

As previously reported by “Novosti-N”, an explosion occurred in Mykolaiv on the evening of Tuesday, January 28.

Later, it became known about the strike on a private enterprise and the death of two women.

Photos of the aftermath of the missile strike in Mykolaiv have surfaced.