суббота08 февраля 2025

Троллейбусы и трамваи пострадали: в Николаеве повреждено депо в результате удара (фото)

Коммунальное предприятие «Николаевэлектротранс» понесло ущерб в результате обстрелов города в ночь на 21 января.
Троллейбусы и трамваи пострадали: в Николаеве повреждено депо в результате удара (фото)
Повреждены троллейбусы и трамваи: от удара по Николаеву пострадало депо (фото)

The municipal enterprise "Nikolaev Electric Transport" sustained damage during the shelling of the city on the night of January 21.

This information comes from the press service of the enterprise.

In addition to the buildings, several units of electric transport and vehicles from other structural divisions of the enterprise were affected. Significant damage was inflicted on new Dnipro trolleybuses, as well as on specialized vehicles, including a service freight wagon from the track service. A more detailed technical inspection of the other electric transport will be carried out by depot specialists.

“Additionally, due to the cleanup efforts following the shelling, there will be no distribution of purified water by tram and trolleybus today, January 22. Electric transport on the city routes will operate according to schedule,” the statement noted.

It is reported that currently, employees of KP "Nikolaev Electric Transport" are addressing the aftermath of the shelling and documenting the damages to later submit the records to the relevant authorities to officially register another act of terrorism against civilian infrastructure.