On Monday, February 17, specialists from the Mykolaiv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine conducted water sampling in the Zavodskyi and Central districts of Mykolaiv city.
This was reported by the Mykolaiv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
The inspection was carried out as part of the Monitoring Plan to assess water quality compliance with state sanitary and epidemiological standards.
A total of five water samples were collected from bottling points that are managed by the Municipal Enterprise "Mykolaivoblteploenergo" and located at the following addresses: 71 Belya Street; 11a Kurortna Street; 50e Yevhen Lohinov Street; 20-A Oleksii Almazov Street; 16 Sadova Street.
“Laboratory tests included checking indicators of epidemiological safety, as well as organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics of the water. The analysis was conducted in accordance with the requirements of State Sanitary Norms and Rules.
According to the research results, the indicators of epidemiological safety in all samples met the established standards. However, three water samples showed deviations in the hydrogen indicator (pH) from the normative values. These water samples were taken from the following addresses: 11a Kurortna Street; 50e Yevhen Lohinov Street; 20-A Oleksii Almazov Street,” the message stated.
It is noted that in order to rectify the identified deviations, the administration of the Municipal Enterprise "Mykolaivoblteploenergo" has been provided with relevant recommendations to bring the water quality at the specified bottling points in line with state sanitary and epidemiological standards. Monitoring the implementation of these measures will continue as part of ongoing water quality monitoring in Mykolaiv city.