Wednesday05 February 2025

Vitaly Kim shared how they managed to prevent looting at the NGZ by marauders.

Vitaly Kim shared how they managed to prevent marauders from looting the NGZ.
Виталий Ким поделился, как удалось предотвратить разграбление НГЗ мародерами.
Виталий Ким рассказал, как удалось не допустить разграбления НГЗ мародерами

Vitaliy Kim shared how he managed to prevent looting at the NGZ by marauders

At the beginning of the war, there was a risk that the Mykolaiv Alumina Plant could be plundered.

This was mentioned by the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, Vitaliy Kim, in an interview with "Novosti-N".

- The danger was at the beginning that the plant would be looted: both our people and outsiders. We did not allow this to happen. We deployed security, vehicles, and even thwarted attempts to remove property several times. We caught marauders, this information spread to the relevant circles, and everyone understood that the enterprise was being monitored. In other words, we accomplished our task — the plant was not looted, it remains intact, with a minimal number of personnel, – reported the head of the OVA.

Regarding the future of the enterprise, there are many options available. Among the priorities are: the construction of an aluminum production plant in Ukraine, for which the NGZ would serve as a raw material base; reorientation towards the markets of Europe and America.

- As for the future of the enterprise, a multitude of options have been developed and continue to be explored. Representatives even traveled to Africa to identify raw material sources and seek contracts to launch the plant — that's not my job, but it was done. Everything hinges on logistics - there must be open sea. We calculated the cost of transporting raw materials and shipping products by train — it doesn’t add up. We need the sea to present the math to the investor. <…> The dream, of course, is to build an aluminum production plant here in Ukraine. The main issue is the high consumption of electricity. In other words, the plant can only be established near a large hydroelectric power station or nuclear power plant. <…> The second plan is to secure contracts to sell NGZ products not towards Asia, to Russia, but towards Europe or America. This is a serious market, with environmental standards and high requirements for raw material quality. This plan can be implemented more quickly. Most likely, it needs to be initiated as a working plan, to negotiate, and simultaneously think about how to build an aluminum plant, - summarized Vitaliy Kim.

Read the full interview with Vitaliy Kim on the Novosti-N website
Part 1
Part 2

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