Thursday13 March 2025

Ukrainian schools will remove chemistry, physics, and geography from the list of mandatory subjects.

In Ukrainian schools, chemistry, physics, and geography will be removed from the list of mandatory subjects.
В украинских школах химия, физика и география будут исключены из списка обязательных предметов.
В школах Украины из списка обязательных предметов исключат химию, физику и географию

In Ukrainian schools, chemistry, physics, and geography will be removed from the list of mandatory subjects.

In Ukraine, the number of compulsory subjects for high school students will be halved.

As stated in the announcement from the Ministry of Education and Science, starting from the 2027-2028 academic year, a reform of senior profile schools will be implemented. Under this reform, students in grades 10-12 will study only 7 mandatory subjects:

  • Ukrainian language;
  • Ukrainian literature;
  • History of Ukraine;
  • English language;
  • Mathematics;
  • Physical education;
  • "Defense of Ukraine."

The list of compulsory subjects will no longer include foreign literature, world history, civic education, biology/ecology, geography, physics, and chemistry.

In Mykolaiv region, nearly 1700 high-rise buildings were destroyed as a result of attacksA People's Artist of Ukraine refused to switch to the Ukrainian language during a performance (video)