The condition of the child, whom his brother rescued from a burning house in the Mykolaiv region, has been reported.
In the Mykolaiv region, 8-year-old Vladislav, whom his brother Dmitry carried out of the burning house, is currently in the hospital in a stable but serious condition, and he still has several surgeries ahead of him.
This information was revealed in a segment by "Unified News".
According to medical professionals, as a result of the fire, the boy suffered 51% burns to his body and was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. He has already undergone several surgeries, with more planned.
- The child is currently on a ventilator. Our burn specialists are working closely with us, performing surgeries using their techniques. We hope to see positive outcomes from the treatment provided, - said Alexander Plytkin, director of the Mykolaiv Regional Clinical Hospital.
Doctors cannot predict how long 8-year-old Vladislav will remain in the hospital, as he has more surgeries and a lengthy rehabilitation ahead of him.
Ludmila, the mother of a large family, was busy with chores in the yard while her six children were asleep inside the house. Suddenly, she smelled smoke and rushed to wake and lead the children outside. Unfortunately, she could not locate Vladislav in the smoke-filled house. The older boy, Dmitry, heard his mother's cries and ran to find him. He managed to locate his brother by touch and saved his life.
The fire has left the large family without a home.