Saturday15 February 2025

It has been revealed how long the military medical commission may extend the service for those deemed temporarily unfit.

It has been revealed how long the passage of the military medical commission (VVK) can be extended for those deemed fit with restrictions.
Стало известно, на какой срок возможно продлить ВВК для ограниченно годных граждан.
Стало известно, на какой срок могут продлить прохождение ВВК ограниченно годными

It has become known how long the passage of the military medical commission (VVK) for those deemed fit for limited service may be extended.

Irina Vereshchuk, the Deputy Head of the President's Office, stated that the Office will propose extending the deadlines for the VVK for those classified as limited fit by at least 3 months. Additionally, the government must urgently amend Resolution 560 to allow for the issuance of electronic referrals for the VVK.

Vereshchuk reported this during a telethon.

"Recently, the President's Office has been receiving inquiries from public organizations and individuals regarding this issue. We analyzed the situation and confirmed that there is indeed a problem. We reported to the president and received instructions to take all necessary measures to adequately address the situation. The issue is that over a million people are unlikely to complete the VVK process as limited fit. We have contacted lawmakers and collaborated with the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, and all relevant parties, and concluded that we need to give people more time to undergo the VVK properly.

To this end, amendments will be made to the current law 3621-IX (which abolished the term "limited fit" – ed.), where a deadline will be established, and we will provide the Ministry of Defense and the Territorial Recruitment Centers (TCK) the ability to electronically notify Ukrainian citizens about the VVK process," she said.

When asked how long the VVK passage period might be extended, Vereshchuk replied, "Of course, it will be up to the lawmakers to decide, but our position is that at least 3 months should be given. Because we understand that there is a specific number of VVKs, we have 1036, and there are over a million people who need to undergo it, and we have calculated the capacity of the VVKs. So, a minimum of 3 months is necessary to allow people to complete the VVK without fines or penalties."

The Deputy Head of the President's Office stated that citizens who were previously recognized as limited fit can undergo the VVK both voluntarily and upon receiving a referral.

"There is an issue with summons; electronic referrals are still not available. We need to amend Resolution 560. The Cabinet of Ministers promised that such a resolution would be adopted on Tuesday, allowing people to receive electronic notifications," she said.

Vereshchuk clarified that she is referring to the electronic referral function for the VVK through the "Reserve+" application, which is currently undergoing testing. She noted that this will only be possible after changes are made to the Cabinet's resolution.

The Deputy Head of the President's Office also announced that she will initiate changes so that those classified as limited fit who have not yet reached the mobilization age of 25 will not have to undergo the VVK or face fines.