Thursday13 March 2025

The athlete Ladyga, who fatally struck a girl in Mykolaiv, enlisted in the military just before her sentencing, according to social media reports.

The athlete Ladyga, who fatally struck a girl in Mykolaiv, enlisted in the military the day before the verdict was announced, according to social media reports.
Спортсменка Ладыга, сбившая насмерть девушку в Николаеве, перед вынесением приговора решила уйти служить, сообщают соцсети.
Спортсменка Ладыга, сбившая насмерть девушку в Николаеве, накануне вынесения приговора пошла служить, - соцсети

The athlete Ladyga, who fatally struck a girl in Mykolaiv, enlisted just before the sentencing, according to social media.

Mykolaiv athlete Olga Ladyga, who was sentenced to 5 years in prison with a 2-year probation period for a deadly traffic accident in Mykolaiv, has gone to serve in the military.

This information has been reported by Telegram channels.

It is noted that the accused did not attend the session of the Mykolaiv Court of Appeal because she "went to serve" right before the verdict was announced.

Ladyga's lawyers submitted a mobilization certificate to the court and requested a postponement of the case.

“However, the court set a new hearing and asked the military unit to provide an official response: whether they could ensure her arrival in court for the next sessions, provided she is not involved in any special operations or sent to active combat zones,” - the message states.