Wednesday12 March 2025

Mobilization 2025: Who may be conscripted without undergoing a military medical commission?

Mobilization 2025: Who Can Be Drafted Without Undergoing a Military Medical Commission?
Мобилизация 2025: кто может быть призван без прохождения военно-врачебной комиссии?
Мобилизация 2025: кого могут призвать без прохождения ВВК

Mobilization 2025: Who Can Be Drafted Without Passing the Military Medical Commission

On May 16, 2024, Resolution No. 560 was approved, establishing the procedure for calling citizens to military service during mobilization in special periods.

In Ukraine, during mobilization, all military personnel and reservists undergo checks by the military medical commission to assess their health status before being drafted.

Can You Be Mobilized Without the Military Medical Commission?

In the Cabinet of Ministers' resolution from May 16, 2024, point 69 contains a clarification regarding who can be mobilized without undergoing the military medical commission.

Thus, reservists and military personnel designated for staffing military units during peacetime, who possess mobilization orders, are called to service based on previously conducted medical examinations and health surveys. If they have no health complaints, they are not referred to the military medical commission.

Those who have not undergone a medical examination or whose fitness for service determination has expired are sent to the military medical commission.

What is the Validity Period of the Military Medical Commission's Decision?

The military medical examination determines the fitness of military personnel, servicemen, reservists, and establishes the causal link between illnesses, injuries (including concussions and disabilities) and assesses the necessity and conditions for applying medical-social rehabilitation measures and assistance to servicemen.

According to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine's resolution from May 16, 2024, No. 560, which approves the procedure for coordinating citizens for military service during mobilization in special periods, the validity period of the certificate with the military medical commission's conclusion is:

  • in peacetime — 5 years
  • during mobilization and/or martial law — 1 year.

Consequences of Refusing the Military Medical Commission

Almost everyone is aware that without undergoing a medical commission at the military enlistment office, you cannot be issued a summons for deployment, i.e., a mobilization order.

Refusal to undergo the military medical commission is subject only to administrative penalties under Articles 210 and 210−1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses.

Typically, individuals who refuse military service are prosecuted under Article 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for evading mobilization. The penalty for this can be imprisonment for a term of three to five years with probation. The consequence of probation is that in the case of a repeated draft and refusal to serve, the punishment will be imprisonment.

There have been isolated court rulings where individuals were attempted to be prosecuted for evading a medical examination.


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