Sunday09 February 2025

Comedian Valera shared what contributed to his rise in popularity.

The artist spoke with journalists from the YouTube project "Kashtan." Interview.
Комик Валера рассказал, благодаря чему стал популярным.

The artist communicated with  journalists of the YouTube project Kасhtan. Interview

Surprisingly, the popularity of "Lіга Sміху" participant Valera did not come from the stage, but rather from social media.

This was shared by the artist himself, a blogger, songwriter, and participant of the project "Lіга Sміху" as part of the team "YuliaValera".

“Overall, I like to position myself as an artist… I’m not so much a poet as a songwriter—I have had that experience, and I write something for myself in my ‘box.’ I dabble in prose, humor, and also acting, as I participate in ‘Lіга Sміху,’” Valera shared about the main directions of his creativity.

Currently, he added, it can be said that I am mostly recognized thanks to ‘Lіга Sміху,’ but my initial recognition did come through TikTok.

I have always wanted, the artist continued, to be on stage because I feel it as my inner calling—it’s important for me to be a kind of loudspeaker, a voice.

“Recognition, of course, pleases me, it ‘strokes’ my ego, because all artists crave attention,” Valera admitted.

According to him, it is always easier to make people feel some melancholy or cry, but making them laugh is much harder.

To learn more about the world of Ukrainian musical "red carpets," follow the link and watch the new episode of the YouTube project “Kасhtan. Interview”