The National Academic Drama Theater named after Ivan Franko will host the premiere of the play "Prometheus Bound," inspired by the classic tragedy of the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus.
This production will be brought to life by Lithuanian director Jokubas Brazys, who has already gained recognition at numerous international festivals, as reported by the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine.
The central theme of the play will be an analysis of the concept of "fire" and the responsibility that Prometheus bears, which is particularly relevant in today’s context. Director Jokubas Brazys has brought his Lithuanian team to collaborate with Ukrainian artists. The team includes a set designer, a lighting artist, and a translator, who will work alongside local creatives to develop new theatrical forms and linguistic expressions.
The director emphasizes that creating theater in modern Ukraine is a true test, reminiscent of an examination of professional skill.
The translation of the play "Prometheus Bound" for the production was done by Boris Ten, ensuring the authenticity of the text and its relevance to contemporary audiences.